March 23, 2022

Only Temple With a Clear Glass Window Palmyra, New York Temple

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Photo Credit: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

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The Palmyra, New York temple is pretty spectacular for lots of different reasons, the location, the beautiful stained glass windows, but there is one thing that President Hinckley asked for that is different than every other temple in the whole world.

President Hinckley asked to have one clear glass window looking directly into “The Sacred Grove.”

President Hinckley asked to have a window cut into the west exterior wall for the temple workers and patrons to be able to gaze into the grove of trees, known as “the sacred grove” to the members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

This is the only temple that has a clear glass exterior window, because of the sacred nature of what happens inside the temples, clear glass windows are simply unheard of.

It took some re-situating to make the clear window work. The window is situated in the lobby, and an office needed to be relocated to make the space perfect for this special window.

President Hinckley wanted this window to be called ”the grove window.” The patrons of the temple fondly refer to it as ”Hinckley’s window.”

Photo Credit: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

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