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The prophet Joseph Smith grew and developed in his abilities as a prophet of God he was unschooled and it effected his confidence. Kirtland Ohio was a powerful time for the Prophets learning and growth. He grew in his abilities and his assurance, in his role. Many of the revelations received by the prophet Joseph Smith in Kirtland formulated the foundation of the Church’s stance today.
In Doctrine and Covenants 43:15-16 the Lord said to Joseph Smith “Ye are not sent forth to be taught, but to teach the children of men. . . and ye are to be taught from on High.” This revelation seemed to have changed Joseph, giving him the confidence that the Lord would hame him capable. From this point on there were spiritual experiences, manifestations and revelations regularly and is what makes up the majority of The Doctrine and Covenants.
Joseph Smith Matures
Joseph Smith grew into his abilities, like everyone else. He has many trials and experiences in life that helped shape him into the person Heavenly Father needed him to be, as a Prophet of God.
Lorenzo Snow made this observation of the prophet Joseph Smith at two different points of knowing the prophet:
“I made a critical examination as to his appearance, his dress, and his manner as I heard him speak. He was only twenty-five years of age and was not, at that time, what would be called a fluent speaker. His remarks were confined principally to his own experiences, especially the visitation of the angel, giving a strong and powerful testimony in regard to these marvelous manifestations. He simply bore his testimony to what the Lord had manifested to him, to the dispensation of the Gospel which had been committed to him, and to the authority that he possessed. At first he seemed a little diffident and spoke in rather a low voice, but as he proceeded he became very strong and powerful, and seemed to affect the whole audience with the feeling that he was honest and sincere. It certainly influenced me in this way and made impressions upon me that remain until the present day.”
Then five years later Lorenzo Snow said this about the prophet Joseph Smith:
”He seemed to have changed considerably in his appearance since I first saw him in Hiram, four and half years before. He was very ready in conversation, and had apparently lost that reserve and diffident feeling that he seemed to have before. He was free and easy in his conversation with me, making me feel perfectly at home in his presence. In fact, I felt as free with him as if we had been special friends for years. He was very familiar.
Kirtland’s Revelations
Many of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints doctrinal foundations can be traced back to the revelations from the prophet Joseph Smith in Kirtland, Ohio. Kirtland should be special to members of the Church because all the progress and learning which took place in Kirtland. The miracles and revelations which happened in Kirtland were groundbreaking and essential for members to the Church today. The truth of God being restored caused a lot of uproar persecution, but oh so many miracles too.
In the book "Joseph’s Smith’s Kirtland eyewitness accounts" by Karl Rick’s he gives a list of some of the revelations received by the prophet Joseph Smith that have been foundational to the Church today.
- Christs Mission
- Resurrection
- Welfare principles
- Revelation
- Satan’s role and mission
- Consecration of properties
- Stewardship
- Millennium
- Seeking signs
- Moral conduct
- Forgiveness
- Church courts
- Tithing
- Debt
- Priesthood Authority
- Voice of Warning
- God’s dealing with mankind
- Eternal progression
- Judgement
- Destiny of the Church
- Role of a prophet
- Role of parents
- Baptism
- Definition of priesthood
- Priesthood office
- Priesthood keys
- Missionary work
- Life after death
- Second coming
- Word of Wisdom
- Godhead
- Preexistance
- Creation of worlds
- Constitution
- Law of the land
- Patriarchal Blessings
- Sabbath day
Needless to say the revelations received by the prophet Joseph Smith in Kirtland were foundational for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints today. The Kirtland Era was powerful and full of blessings, what a great blessing that we have the information to day to help us lead better lives over two hundred years later.
”Joseph Smith’s Kirtland, Eyewitness accounts” by Karl Ricks Anderson (p.47-48,94)