September 26, 2023

Joseph Smith's Brick Stable Site

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One of the pretty amazing things about Nauvoo, is that not a lot has changed since the Saints left Nauvoo in the 1800's. There were multiple groups who tried to move in and live in Nauvoo but it never worked out for them, and this means you can still see a lot of the same places, or same foundations that were built by the Saints at the time of Joseph Smith. It is the same for Joseph Smith's Stable. Although the stable is long gone, the foundation of the stable is still in the same location as it was all those years ago. While visiting Nauvoo we were shown the foundation of Joseph Smith's stable, and did not thing a lot of it, but coming home and reading about how grand the stable was makes me want to take another look at that foundation!

Joseph Smith had a grand stable was built on the South West corner of Water and Hyde Street. It was on the North East side of the Nauvoo House. There is a sign post indicating where the stable was. Take a look at the foundation, and imagine what this barn was back in the days of the Prophet Joseph Smith.

In Joseph Smith's writings he describes the barn saying: "I have erected a large and commodious brick stable, and it is capable of accommodating seventy-five horses at one time and storing the requisite amount of forage, and is unsurpassed by any similar establishment in the State."

More Sites in Nauvoo Illinois

The Nauvoo Pageant

Country Fair, before Nauvoo Pageant

John Taylor Home, Nauvoo Illinois

Joseph Smith Property Tours in Nauvoo, Illinois

10 Fun Facts about the rebuilt Nauvoo, Illinois Temple

References: "Sacred Places, Ohio and Illinois A Comprehensive guide to early LDS Historical Sites". by LaMar C. Berrett General Editor and Keith W. Perkins and Donald Q. Cannon. Pg 127-128

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