Joseph F. Smith, the sixth prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints had a very difficult start to life, being born during the Missouri mobs, losing his father at age five and his mother while a teen. The leaders of The Church took an active part in helping Joseph F. through life and as a mere boy he receives his temple blessings in the old endowment house and was set apart to be a mission at age 15 by Parley P. Pratt.
On the journey to his mission in Hawaii, Joseph F. Smith was on the boat the fateful day of the boat incident with Lorenzo Snow. Lorenzo Snow would have died without intervention from God. The boat Lorenzo and others was on had capsized in rough ocean waves. Just before the boat capsized Joseph F. was told to get on the boat, which was a small dingy in rough water. Joseph F. Smith said only "if you command me to do it in the name of the Lord, I will come, otherwise, no." He had to stand there in terrible anxiety, he sees the boat capsize and Lorenzo Snow disappear.
Lorenzo Snow, later said that in that moment of Joseph F. Smith refusing to get into the boat, it was witnessed to Lorenzo of the future mission of this young man. Lorenzo recorded that he thought "that young man is going to be a leader in the Church."
Early Missionaries to Hawaii
One of the first missionaries to the Sandwich islands was George Q. Cannon, who went out before Joseph F. When George Q. Cannon and his group of missionaries had ultimately given up, even the mission president had gone home. George Q. Cannon, refused to leave early from this Hawaii mission. George Q. Cannon felt strongly that there were people on the Sandwich islands who were ready and prepared to receive the gospel of Jesus Christ. Through much prayer and inspiration he converted at least 100 on the island of Maui, and that was the beginning of the restored Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Hawaii.
Joseph F. Smith Mission in Hawaii
When first arriving to the Sandwich islands Joseph F. Smith struggled with the language. He was worried the language would never come, but with the help of God and lots of hard work Joseph F. was able to master the language in just three months.
Young Joseph F. was plagued with a period of great sickness, not long after he had arrived on the Sandwich islands. Sickness was not uncommon in the area, the Natives were often sick. The Natives were living in dirty areas with little means, often with their animals living in their homes and living spaces. At one point Joseph F. Smith got so sick, he was close to death. A wonderful native woman took him in, as if she was his mother. This wonderful woman was a gift from Father in Heaven, she nursed young Joseph F. for three months. This native Hawaiian nurses Joseph F. back to health. The young Joseph F. was only fifteen years old, in an area far from home, and without a mother. This woman was a gift from heaven, and Joseph F. honored her for the rest of his life, for the sacrifice and help she gave him during that time.
It is not a coincidence that The Laie Hawaii Temple has beautiful symbolism pointing to motherhood. The fountain running down the front of the Temple symbolizes how righteous mothers effect generations. The fountain is called the "Maternity Fountain", Located in front of the highest pool, this fountain depicts a Hawaiian mother pouring water from a giant clam shell over her children. The water symbolizes the love, hope, and care that mothers give to their children.
There is a tender sequel of Joseph F. when he was President of the Church and this women, who cared for him, is 90 years old. Joseph F. came to a gathering of the Saints and a little woman comes in at the back of the hall limping and carrying a little package of bananas and he recognizes her and he rushes down, embraces her, calls her over and over again "mama, mama" and turns to Charles W. Nibley and says "This is the woman who cared for me, when I was a boy and sick."
"The Presidents of The Church" by Truman G. Madsen