April 13, 2024

Intro to 'FHE on the Road' Podcast

This map below was created to help find other Church Sites and Articles. Each point will have articles in the description about that point

(below the map is the rest of the article)

To listen to this podcast on Spotify click here: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/kbrmidZqLIb

Here is our new podcast with fun facts, stories and inspiration from Church History. We are trying to find facts and good information from each temple throughout the world, and gather the very best Church History Stories to share. Each podcast episode is not long, around 5 minutes each. Keep this podcast handy while you are traveling through the world to get some Church History information and facts in each stop. It is fun to know the history of each area and share these stories!

This first podcast is the 'why' behind it all. It will share why we started this podcast and what each episode will include.

This podcast will include everything from Latter-day Temples, lives of the Prophets, Latter-day Saint women's stories, world history, American history, lots from Church History and more! It is really fun to learn these impactful Church History Stories of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Like, share and subscribe so more people can learn about these amazing stories, thanks!

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