January 17, 2023

Prophet Joseph Smith facts and information

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Joseph Smith Jr. was born in Sharon, Vermont on December 23, 1805 to Joseph Smith Sr. And Lucy Mack Smith.

Joseph Smith had a dangerous leg infection as a seven year old boy. The doctor performed a highly advanced surgery that saved his leg. This surgery would not be performed again successfully for almost a century!

Joseph Smith was 14 years old when he saw God the Father and His son Jesus Christ in a grove of trees in Palmyra, New York in 1820. Starting the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ back on the Earth again!

It was on On Sept. 21, 1823 when Joseph was told by the Angel Moroni about the Gold Plates(record of the Book of Mormon), but it wasn’t until 1827 when he was entrusted with the plates to translate.

Joseph Smith was not allowed to get Gold Plates from the hill Cumorah for years, until he ”brought the right person” and he would know who it is. That year he married Emma Hale Smith, Joseph brought her to the hill and he was able to obtain the Golden Plates.

It only took about 65 working days for the Prophet Joseph Smith to translate the Book of Mormon, and it’s 531 pages long.

Joseph married Emma Hale Smith on January 18, 1827.

Joseph Smith married Emma Hale Smith when she was 22 and he was 21. They married about 15 months after they met, January 18, 1827. They were married 17 years until Joseph passed away in 1844.

Emma and Joseph lived in 14 different homes throughout their marriage and only owned three of them. When they finally got the home they dreamed of-The Mansion House in Nauvoo, Joseph only lived there for 10 months before he was killed.

The Book of Mormon had it’s first copy printed on March 26, 1830 and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints was restored on April 6, 1830, just days after the first copy of The Book of Mormon was printed.

Joseph and Emma saw 6 of their 11 children die.

Joseph Smith built the first two temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints(the Kirtland and the Nauvoo).

Joseph Smith was murdered on June 27, 1844 in Carthage Jail.

Joseph Smith was a prophet of God. He was also a father, a husband, a farmer, governor, a presidential candidate, a prisoner, a captain of the army, a city planner, a city organizer, and the list goes on. He was raised from very humble circumstances and changed the world, and as John Taylor famously said “I think he was one of the greatest Prophets that ever lived. Jesus himself excepted.”

The restoration of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints hinges on if Joseph Smith was a prophet of God. To know if Joseph Smith was a prophet of God we can humbly ask God and He will answer through the power of the Holy Ghost.

Places to Visit:

Sharon Vermont- Birthplace of the Prophet Joseph Smith

Palmyra, New York

Kirtland Ohio

Liberty Jail, Missouri

Nauvoo, Illinois

Favorite Talks on the Prophet Joseph Smith:

My Favorite Books on Joseph Smith:

The Book of Mormon 🙂

“Saints” Vol 1

“They Knew The Prophet” By Hyrum Andrus and Helen Mae Andrus

Remembering Joseph by Mark L. McConkie

“Witness to the Martyrdom: John Taylors Personal Account of the Last Days of the Prophet Joseph Smith”

“From Darkness unto Light: Joseph Smith’s translation and Publication of The Book of Mormon” by Michael Hubbard MacKay and Gerrit J. Dirkmaat

“Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith” by Joseph Smith Jr.

“Lectures on Faith” by Joseph Smith Jr.

“Setting the Record Straight: Joseph Smith the Mormon Prophet” by Susan Easton Black

“Joseph Smith the Prophet” by Truman G. Madsen

“The History of Joseph Smith by his Mother” by Lucy Mack Smith

Favorite Books for teens:

Work and the Glory Series by Gerald Lund







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