January 2, 2024

First Visions quote by Wilford Woodruff

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”I have never read anywhere, that I know of, of the same power manifested in any dispensation to the children of men, which was manifested to the Prophet of God in the organization of this Church, when the Father and the Son both appeared to the Prophet Joseph in answer to his prayer and when the Father said “This is my beloved Son; behold Him; Hear Him.” This was an important revelation, which has never been manifested in the same manner in any dispensation of the world, that God has given concerning His work. So in its organization, the Prophet of God was administered to by the angels of heaven. They were his teachers, they were his instructors and all that he did, and all that he performed from the commencement, from that day to the day of his martyrdom, was by the revelation of Jesus Christ.”

-Wilford Woodruff


“Joseph, Exploring the Life and Ministry of the Prophet” p.45

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