April 11, 2024

Elijah Fordham, Malaria healing

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One of the greatest healing miracles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the Malaria Healing in Nauvoo Illinois. After the Saints had moved to Nauvoo many were infected with Malaria from the mosquitos of the swampy area. People were sick everywhere. Tents were set up to nurse the sick, and Joseph and Emma's home housed many of the infe

An eyewitness of the miracles of that day, President Wilford Woodruff recorded:

[Joseph] arose from his bed and commenced to administer to the sick in his own house and door-yard, and he commanded them in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to arise and be made whole; and the sick were healed upon every side of him.

Many lay sick along the bank of the river; Joseph walked along up to the lower stone house, occupied by Sidney Rigdon, and he healed all the sick that lay in his path. . . . He called upon Elder Kimball and some others to accompany him across the river to visit the sick at Montrose. . . . The first house he visited was that occupied by Elder Brigham Young . . . who lay sick. Joseph healed him, then he arose and accompanied the Prophet on his visit to others who were in the same condition. . . .

The next place they visited was the home of Elijah Fordham, who was supposed to be about breathing his last. . . . The Prophet of God walked up to the dying man and took hold of his right hand and spoke to him; but Brother Fordham was unable to speak, his eyes were set in his head like glass, and he seemed entirely unconscious of all around him. . . . Joseph asked him if he had faith to be healed. He answered, “I fear it is too late; if you had come sooner I think I would have been healed.” The Prophet said, “Do you believe in Jesus Christ?” He answered in a feeble voice, “I do.” Joseph then stood erect, still holding his hand in silence several moments; Then he spoke in a very loud voice, saying, “Brother Fordham, I command you, in the name of Jesus Christ, to arise from this bed and be made whole.” . . . It seemed as though the house shook to its very foundations. Brother Fordham arose from his bed, and was immediately made whole. His feet were bound in poultices which he kicked off; then putting on his clothes he ate a bowl of bread and milk and followed the Prophet into the street.

Here is another account of that day, Brigham Young remembered:

Joseph arose from his bed of sickness, and the power of God rested upon him. He commenced in his own house and door-yard, commanding the sick, in the name of Jesus Christ, to arise and be made whole, and they were healed according to his word. He then continued to travel from house to house from tent to tent upon the bank of the river, healing the sick as he went until he arrived at the upper stonehouse, where he crossed the river in a boat, accompanied by several of the Quorum of the Twelve, and landed in Montrose.

He walked into the cabin where I was lying sick, and commanded me, in the name of Jesus Christ, to arise and be made whole. I arose and was healed, and followed him and the brethren of the Twelve into the house of Elijah Fordham, who was supposed to be dying, by his family and friends. Joseph stepped to his bedside, took him by the hand and commanded him, in the name of Jesus Christ, to arise and be made whole. His voice was as the voice of God. Brother Fordham instantly leaped from his bed, called for his clothing and followed us into the street.

We then went into the house of Joseph B. Noble, who also lay very sick, and he was healed in the same manner; and when, by the power of God granted unto him, Joseph had healed all the sick, he recrossed the river and returned to his home. This was a day never to be forgotten. 

That day in July, in the terrible conditions of the swamp yet to become Nauvoo the Beautiful, the Saints witnessed a pentecostal miracle, an outpouring of healing that served as a magnificent sign of the prophetic leadership of Joseph Smith.




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