March 1, 2024

Dedicating Joseph Smith Birthplace Monument

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Joseph Smith Jr. was born in Sharon, Vermont on December 23, 1805. A monument commemorating the birth of the Prophet Joseph Smith is erected near the cabin where Joseph Smith was born.

The Joseph Smith birthplace monument is 38.5 feet tall, a foot tall for every year of the prophet Joseph Smith's life. They also put a cottage and made it a visitors place in the surrounding rolling hills of Vermont. Although, the Smith family did not live in Sharon Vermont long, it is a special place for the restoration.

A man named Junius F. Wells, asked the Church to build a monument in the birthplace of the first prophet. Acting as a representative of the Church Junius was able to obtain the old Smith property. Junius was assigned the task to get the monument into place.

The monument was dedicated on the 100th anniversary of Joseph Smith’s birthday. President Joseph F. Smith, the nephew of Joseph Smith, came to dedicate the site. It was dedicated on December 23, 1905. “May it be hallowed by Thy people,” prayed President Smith. “May Thy blessing abide upon it, that it may be a blessed place, where Thy people may visit from time to time and rejoice in contemplating Thy goodness in that Thou hast restored to the earth the fullness of the Gospel of Thy Son, with all the power and authority necessary to administer it and all its ordinances unto the inhabitants of the earth, for their salvation and for the redemption of their dead.”

During the dedication they reviewed the life of the Prophet Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum(the father of Joseph F.) Joseph F. was presented with a token to commemorate the day as a reminder of Joseph F.'s close ties to those who lives had begun there.

The Prophet Joseph F. Smith broke down.

"I have been able in my life to cope with the suffering but I don't know how to handle kindness and sweet love".

The dedication of this monument was a special experience.

For more information on the Joseph Smith birthplace site, click the Churches link here:


Presidents of the Church by Truman G. Madsen m.32

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