Getting ready to plan a Church History Trip can be so exciting!
Preparing ahead of time can help you and your family be ready and educated for what you will for what will be felt and experienced.
Movies put out by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints:
-“Joseph Smith: The prophet of the restoration”(New Version)
-“Joseph Smith: The Prophet of the Restoration” (There is a 2002 Version and a new version, they are both great!)
Early Church History:
-”Work and the Glory”-Available to stream on Amazon Prime.
-“The Three Witnesses”-This is based on the book “Investigating the Book of Mormon Witnesses.” -This is available to buy on Deseret Book or stream for the Living Scriptures streaming service:
-“Undaunted” This is done by the same people that did ”The Three Witnesses” I haven’t seen it but I’m looking forward to watching it.
Movies of pioneers crossing the plains:
-“17 Miracles”
- “Ephraim’s Rescue”
After the Saints reach SLC:
-“The Fighting Preacher”
Let me know what your favorite faith promoting church history movie is! Please leave a comment and I’ll add it to the list. I’ll try to add as many links as I can.