November 17, 2023

Christopher Columbus from a Latter-day Saint Perspective with Sites and Stories

This map below was created to help find other Church Sites and Articles. Each point will have articles in the description about that point

(below the map is the rest of the article)

This post is a collection of blog post on the explorer, Christopher Columbus. All of these blog post paint Columbus in a favorable light, with the premise that he was a good person. Through these articles it is easy to see that Columbus felt he was called of God to do a great work, of crossing the ocean. Many say Columbus was a horrible person, that did horrible things in the places that he connected to Europe. This is not what these writings imply, but only that he was a good person, that the people he was with did treat the Natives poorly, but not Columbus. Many want to blame Columbus for the problems in the world, instead of seeing the complex issues with many people trying to hurt others, and not the fault of Christopher Columbus.

In the blog post Get to Know Christopher Columbus, you learn about where this Latter-day Saint perspective of Christopher Columbus comes from. Which documents have been studied and how we believe the Christopher Columbus was a good person, trying to follow the direction he received from God. This post is an overview of his life and voyages.

Learn about the Early Years of Christopher Columbus. Where is family was from, how they made a living. This blog post goes on to teach about where and when Christopher Columbus became interested int he sea, and how he found his way onto the water. The Lord was in his upbringing, and each place was the perfect place for Columbus to ignite a desire within Columbus to connect the world.

Christopher Columbus Own Words this post has quotes and information from records Christopher Columbus left personally. Specifically how Christopher Columbus felt he was called of God for the great work of crossing the ocean.

Learn about the efforts of Christopher Columbus to finally get what he needed for his first voyage. Learn about his plans and precision, knowing through his faithfulness the Lord would guide him where he needed to go. Also, learn about how the voyage almost failed and how though divine assistance, Columbus found land. First Voyage of Christopher Columbus

On the first return trip we learn that Christopher Columbus did not just get to the New World and back but created a highway from Europe to the Americas, on the sea that is still used today. Columbus connected the world in preparation for the restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and Christopher Columbus started it all off. First Return Trip of Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus has an important calling from God. Columbus knew from a young age he was called to the sea, and he knew that the Lord had a great work for him Christopher Columbus “Keys to Unlock the Sea.”

Leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have spoke on the mission of Christophet Columbus. Here are snippets of talks and information given to members of the mission of Christopher Columbus. Christopher Columbus Quotes by LDS Leaders

Sites to See

There are many monuments throughout the world on Christopher Columbus, the explorer. Here are some of the main sites that came up multiple times throughout the readings:

Genoa Italy- Where Christopher Columbus was born.

Sanlúcar, Spain- Location where Columbus sailed from on his famous voyage.

St. George Temple, where Christopher Columbus along with others appeared to Wilford Woodruff asking to have their temple work done.

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