February 25, 2022

Elder M. Russell Ballard at the Orlando Florida Temple Open House

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In biography of M. Russell Ballard called ”Anxiously Engaged”, there is a fun story about the Orlando, Florida Temple.

Elder Ballard was assigned to give tours to people, as they came to see the new Orlando temple. These tours were mostly dignitaries and prominent people from the surrounding areas, but Elder Ballard also had the opportunity to give a tour of the temple to two women that ”spear headed” the opposition of the building Orlando temple. Elder Ballard said that he was in the doorway when the two women entered the temple and that “you could almost feel the chill” as they entered.

The coldness of the these women did not stop Elder Ballard from teaching them, as he showed them around the new Orlando Temple. He taught the women about each room of the temple and told these two women ”this is our best efforts to try to teach our people the importance of life, and the principle objectives of mortality, looking on into eternity.”

He said the lady who had been the most vocal against the temple took his hand and wept at the end of the tour. Saying she had no idea, she just did not understand and asked for forgiveness.

This same lady ended up sending a large basket of flowers to the temple with a card that said ”Thank you, with love, your neighbors.”

Elder Ballard gave a talk, in the general conference after the open house, about what he taught to people walking through and wanted the members of the church to know and understand those same principles, heres a link to his talk:


The Conference talk goes over the life of Jesus Christ, the apostasy and the restoration of the gospel. In the talk, Elder Ballard invited all to learn and share this beautiful message with the world.


Brothers and sisters, we know the truth. Because we do, we are expected to share it with all of our Heavenly Father’s children. To our dear friends of the Church, please do not let pass this opportunity to receive personal revelation from God. Consider what I have said. Weigh it carefully. Measure it against the things you believe. Hold fast to all that is true, and add to that the fulness of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. Take into account what you have felt as you have listened. You can know if these things are true by asking God. Listen for His answer; then respond to what you feel.

If you will do so, I believe you will come to know as I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is God’s true church upon the earth. May God bless you, my dear friends, with the peace and joy the gospel gives, I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, amen."

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