March 11, 2025

When Joseph Prayed for Something Better

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The Lord watches out for His people, and it His had is clearly visible for those looking. The Latter-day Saints were driven from their homes in Missouri, while their beloved prophet and leader was in Liberty Jail. Even after the Missouri years were in the past, the Latter-day Saints still had to build a new city, starting from scratch. Although, it seemed like all was going against the Saints, God did not abandon His people. There are many miracles seen by the Latter-day Saints that helped them know they were not alone in any of these struggles. The Prophet Joseph Smith knew the Lord would take care of him and all the people who trust in their Savior.

Nauvoo was a dirty, swamp land that many thought would not flourish, but with the Lords help anything is possible. It took the Saints time to drain the dirty swamp, and prepare the land for homes and fields. This process was long and hard, but the Saints were optimistic for the future. The Saints were still recovering from their horrendous experiences of Nauvoo, and were grateful to be someplace safe.

During this rebuilding time for the Saints Joseph and his family were together to eat dinner. The Smith family had been impoverished, as many of the others Saints, and there was not a lot of food to eat. Emma made do with what they had and that meant the family ate a lot of Johnny Cakes, which was like a cornmeal flatbread. On this particular night, Johnny Cakes were served, again, and this is the account given by John Lyman, a cousin to the Prophet.

He recorded:

“In my early years I used to often eat at the table with Joseph the Prophet. At one time he was called to dinner. I being at play in the room with his son Joseph, he called us to him, and we stood one each side of him. After he had looked over the table he said, ‘Lord, we thank Thee for this Johnny cake and ask Thee to send us something better. Amen.’

The corn bread was cut and I received a piece from his hand. “Before the bread was all eaten, a man came to the door and asked if the Prophet Joseph was at home. Joseph replied he was, whereupon the visitor said, ‘I have brought you some flour and a ham.’

“Joseph arose and took the gift, and blessed the man in the name of the Lord. Turning to his wife, Emma, he said, ‘I knew the Lord would answer my prayer.’”

The Lord heard the prayer of the Prophet Joseph Smith and it was was answered even before the meal was done. Sometimes we simply need to ask for the help of God. God wants us to talk to Him and He will answer.

“The Lord's tender mercies are the very personal and individualized blessings, strength, protection, assurances, guidance, loving-kindnesses, consolation, support, and spiritual gifts which we receive from and because of and through the Lord Jesus Christ” (David A. Bednar, April 2005 general conference).


Emma's life in pictures p.106

Recollection of John Lyman Smith in Juvenile Instructor (March 15, 1892): 172.

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