April 5, 2024

Houston Texas Temple Fun Facts

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The Houston Texas Temple is the 97th temple in operation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

The Houston Temple is the second temple built in Texas, following the Dallas Texas Temple.

The Houston Temple was announced in 1997 and dedicated in 2000, by President Gordon B. Hinckley.

The Houston Temple plans started out looking like the Billings Montana Temple. The plans were changed so the Temple would look more like the other building in the area of Houston. The final design is patterned after the historic Washington D.C. chapel.

The Houston temple includes buttresses on its façade, creating an elaborate castle-like appearance reminiscent of temples built in the 19th century. 

Its exterior is finished with elegant Luna Pearl granite. The temple is 33,970 square feet in size.

The historic flooding in Southeast Texas created by Hurricane Harvey breached the Houston Texas Temple on August 26, 2017, resulting in significant damage. The baptistry flooded to the top, and water reached waist deep in some areas of the basement. Several inches of water on the main floor ruined carpet and furniture. The temple was temporarily closed for repairs and rededicated in a private session held on April 22, 2018.

M. Russell Ballard rededicated the Houston Temple after the flood damage saying: “We ask Thee, Heavenly Father, for protection over Thy temple, that Thy sacred work for the living and for the deceased may continue from this day forward. May Thy children come here often to make covenants and receive ordinances for themselves and for their kindred dead. Please bless all Thy children in this temple district to keep Thy commandments, preparing them for all Thy promised blessings to those who love Thee and seek Thy holy presence.”


"Temples of the New Millennium" by Chad Hawkins


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