April 11, 2022

10 Interesting Facts about the Winter Quarters Temple

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-Winter Quarters was the first temple build in Nebraska.

-Winter Quarters Temple is one of three temples of historical significants of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. (The other two are Palmyra Temple, and the Nauvoo Temple).

-The Winter Quarters Temple is built into a hill next to the pioneer cemetery.

-The Cemetery at Winter Quarters, adjacent to the temple, is the resting place for more than 325 people who died in 1846.

-The temple open house concluded on April 14, 2001. This was 154 years after Brigham Young and the company of Saints departed from Winter Quarters in 1847.

-The Winter Quarters Temple has handcrafted period style furniture, to remind you of the pioneers.

-The Winter Quarters Temple has antiques throughout the interior, as a reminder of early times.

-Winter Quarters Temple is larger than many of the ”small temples.” It is 16,000 square feet. The Winter Quarters Temple has second story and a chapel.

-The stained-glass windows include art from themes of the Restoration and the Plan of Salvation.

-Until 1999, the Winter Quarters Cemetery had been leased to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints for a dollar a year. In 1999 the city conveyed the deed to the Church making it possible to proceed with building the Winter Quarters Temple.


“Temples of the Millennium” by Chad S. Hawkins


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